Monday, May 17, 2010

The Language of Power

Sorry this is so late. I had a huge project due in another class on Thursday (plus it was my birthday) so I was a little distracted on Wednesday. Then I was going to just post a little late, but I had a medical emergency with my dog. I'm sure you don't care, but I just needed to vent and give my reasons. Thanks

Why We Can’t Just Teach Acceptance

The defect in the plan of teaching acceptance without teaching the language of power is its failure to prepare students for all possible situations. This can be clearly seen when it is compared to an abstinence-only sexual education program. Although both have good and pure intentions at heart, their weakness is that they only prepare students for an ideal world. If (or when) the students are faced with someone who does not treat them with respect and acceptance they need a way to respond. If this lack of acceptance were to occur during an important event (such as a job interview) it would already be too late. It is for this reason that we must teach our students to be “defensive speakers” and be always on the lookout for those who do not choose (or were not taught) to be accepting.


At 12:30 PM, Blogger Leebers said...

Great point! The world is not an ideal place, as much as we would like it to be. It makes sense to prepare kids for what they will probably encounter in the real world.


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