Friday, May 21, 2010

Tech Speak Has Its Time And Place

I don't really have a problem with tech speak or abbreviations when they are used in the proper time and place (IMs, texting). I sometimes think that people are just being lazy, as it is not really that difficult to spell out full words in most situations, but it is just the way things are done these days. What I find to be very irritating, is when people use such language in emails, blog posts, speech, or--my personal pet peeve--craigslist postings. The lack of punctuation, sentence structure, and proper spelling has gotten so bad that many of these items are not even readable by the average person. I think that this inappropriate use of such words and spellings is due to the fact that many young people have not been taught the appropriate uses for different types of language/writing. We need to make sure that schools start to cover the use of tech speak, so that our future generations will have a variety of language skills, and be well educated in when to use them.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Melissa G said...

You mentioned that you want proper language in e-mails. What about e-mails between friends? Should language in those differ from e-mails sent to coworkers?


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